Welcome boys and gals....
this space is now home to not one, but TWO happy little library elves. we are bonnie....and clyde.
just a friendly reminder....don't EVER leave a pile of messy books laying around the library again. thank you sweetie-pies....
we aren't totally done unpacking, and there is still much to do....like contacting the mother planet so they know we made it here alive.
in the meantime why not check out the link below to get your own 20MB of free webspace? you know you want it...
oddly enough, our interests cover nearly every living being that sees this page....
- Art and Surrealism
- Books and More Books
- Good Cartoons and Even Better Comic Books
- Comedy: Funny Ha-ha and Funny Strange
- Computers (Psst...i'm on one now)
- Dance/Theater
- Fantasy/Role Playing
- Fashion: Nothing Bad Thank You
- Irish Culture: Love 'Em Very Much
- Movies/TV
- Dance Music
- House/Hip-Hop
- Indie
- Latin, Reggae, World
- Industrial Techno, Electronica, Trance
- Paranormal
- Animals
- Pubs and Clubs
- School/College
- Science Fiction
- Socializing
- Skateboarding (though we are personally unaccomplished)
Favorite Links
yes, you probably have a book mark set here...but just in case...
orgy..the band
come see who has stolen bonnie's heart now....
the chicago suntimes
see what's happening in bonnie and clyde's hometown....and see what today's horoscope says